Reh und Elefant: Zweierlei Maß aus: Jagdzeit 4/2020
Baldus Kolumne Nr45.pdf
(2.2 MB) |
Golden Jackal Conquers Western Europe From Hunter's Path 3/2019
Golden Jackal Conquers Western Europe.pdf
(1.6 MB) |
Jäger als Artenschützer aus: Spurlaut 4/2019
Baldus_Jaeger als Artenschuetzer.pdf
(705 KB) |
Steuerzahler subventionieren NABU aus: Jagdzeit International 4/2018
Baldus Kommentar.pdf
(173 KB) |
Hexenjagd auf Besitzer antiken ElfenbeinsQuelle: Jagdzeit International 3/2018
Baldus 2 JI36.pdf
(1.495 KB) |
Hunters Conserve BiodiversityFrom: Hunter's Path 2/2018
Baldus HP22.pdf
(1.386 KB) |
Burning Ivory?
HP19 Conservation.pdf
(462 KB) |
Elfenbein Verbrennen? Quelle: Jagdzeit International 3/2017
JI32 Baldus 1.pdf
(1624 KB) |
(1622 KB) |
Interview: Afrika braucht die Jagd Aus PIRSCH 8/2016
(8700 KB) |
Korruption tötet Elefanten! Quelle: Halali
(166 KB) |
Sustainable Use and Nature Conservation Source: Hunter's Path
(1793 KB) |
External video:
EU TV Brussels: Interview on wildlife trafficking and organized crime, May 12th, 2015 |
External document:
Poaching in Africa: Farewell to the Elephant and the Rhino? |
External Link:
Le braconnage en Afrique: Un adieu à l’éléphant et au rhinocéros? |
Was rettet Afrikas Wildtiere?" in HABARI/Schweiz
HABARI 2-14.pdf
(2046 KB) |
Grambow Aktuell, September 2014
(3206 KB) |
Nachhaltigkeit, Hege und Naturschutz
Quelle: Neue Neudammerin II/2014
(256 KB) |
External Link:
Wohlstands-Humbug killt Nashörner |
Dr. Baldus, R. D., Hahn, R. (2009): The Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor in Tanzania: Biodiversity Conservation from the Grassroots. Practical Experiences and Lessons from Integrating Local Communities into Trans-boundary Natural Resources Management. Joint publication of FAO and CIC. Budapest. 48 pp.
Technical_series_6.pdf |
Dr. Baldus, R. D. (2009): A Practical Summary of Experiences after Three Decades of Community-based Wildlife Conservation in Africa “What are the Lessons Learnt?”. Joint publication of FAO and CIC. Budapest. 128 pp.
Technical_series_5.pdf |
Quelle: Afrika Post 4/2013 |
afrikapost_13-4_S64-67.pdf (214 KB) |
Geißel Wilderei
Aus Jagen Weltweit 5/2013 |
060_062_Wilderei_JWW_0513_1.pdf (445 KB) |
External Link:
Practical CBNRM tools |
Interview Liberal
Rezension durch Prof. Charles B. Blankart
Miersch Interview Baldus liberal Verlag.pdf (90 KB)
Lessons Learnt: Community Based Wildlife-Conservation in Africa
cbnrm.pdf (6016 KB) |
CITES, ivory and poaching Source: African Indaba January 2010 |
Baldus_2009_Poaching_TZ.pdf (339 KB) |
CITES und Elfenbein 2010 Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von "Jagen Weltweit" |
Cites.pdf (1271 KB) |
DSE Wildlife Seminar 1964
DSE Widlife Seminar 1964.pdf (29384 KB) |
Braucht Afrika die Jagd?
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von "Jagdzeit International"
Jagdzeit_Baldus.pdf (1.404 KB) |
EU on Zimbabwe's Wildlife
Zimbabwe environment under serious threat.pdf (408 KB) |
External Link:
Practical CBNRM tools |
Grossraubwild in Deutschland Was tun mit Luchs, Wolf und Bär?
WuH_Grossraubwild.pdf (4.565 KB) |
Unterstützung von Förderprogrammen zur Erhaltung des Wisents
Wisent_Conservation_and_Hunting.pdf (131 KB) |
CITES Sansibar
CITES Sansibar (156 KB) |
Was haben Elefanten mit Oekonomie und
Selbsthilfeorganisationen zu tun?
elefant.pdf (156 KB) |
Lion Conservation in Tanzania Leads to Serious Human - Lion Conflicts With a Case Study of a Man-Eating Lion Killing 35 People
nr_41.pdf (1.100 KB) |
Differenzierung von Subpopulationen der Rappenantilope (Hippotragus
Niger) in Ostafrika (with an English summary)
nr_25.pdf (335 KB) |
Crop Damage and Non Lethal Deterrents for Crop protection
nr_24.pdf (273 KB) |
African Wildlife:
Must It Be Subsidized?
African Wildlife - Must it be Subsidized.pdf (63 KB) |
5th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium, Pretoria March 23rd 2001
R_Speech.pdf (111 KB) |
Molekular-forensischer Beitrag zur Überführung eines mutmaßlichen Wilderers: ein Fallbericht
| |
external link |
A man-eating lion (Panthera leo) from Tanzania with a toothache
| |
external link |
Wildlife in a New Zimbabwe
African Indaba Zimbabwe Wildlife Sector.pdf
(199 KB) |
Conference on Peace Through Tourism Dar Es Salaam December 11th, 2003
Wildlife Tourism: Can We Increase the Small People’s Share?
Wildlife Tourism Benefits.pdf (76 KB) |