
Porini - In the Wilderness

Großwildjagd im Alten Afrika

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Wildes Herz von Afrika

Wild Heart of Africa

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Selous Game Reserve


Saadani National Park


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Who is responsible for the conservation of our wildlife?

In the tradition of African highlife music and the local music culture, the Ushoroba Band of Namtumbo in southern Tanzania plays music to celebrate the Selous-Niassa wildlife corridor and community wildlife management.

Ushoroba is the local Kiswahili name for the Selous - Niassa wildlife corridor. It connects the largest protected areas in Africa: the Selous Game Reserve of Tanzania and the Niassa Game Reserve of Mozambique. The conservation of the miombo forests in this unique landscape ensures the undisturbed migration of elephants and other wildlife linking the protected areas to one of the largest elephant ranges in the world. The corridor is located in Tanzania's Ruvuma region and is managed by 29 villages from Namtumbo and Tunduru districts. The villagers formed five community-based organisations (Mbarang'andu, Nalika, Chingoli, Kisungule and Kimbanda), which are responsible for the management of natural resources on their village wildlife management areas (WMAs). These WMAs form a contiguous network that will ensure the protection of the Selous - Niassa wildlife corridor.

The songs are addressed to the local communities of the corridor to raise awareness about threats to biodiversity and to promote sustainable community-based conservation, which will result in short and long-term benefits for the communities and their environment.

Song #1 Tunatoa pongezi.mp3

Song #2 Faida ya ushoroba.mp3

All songs are composed and performed by the USHOROBA CULTURAL GROUP from Namtumbo town and represent the musical style and culture of the major ethnic groups in the corridor, which are the Udendeule, Ngoni and Yao.

Ushoroba Cultural Group, Namtumbo

In cooperation with


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Government Agreement signed on May 25th, 2015
Selous-Niassa agreement_V15May2015.pdf (487 KB)
External Link:

Dissertation Mpanduji:
Elephant movement in Selous-Niassa corridor

Community-based Wildlife Management in Support of Transfrontier Conservation: The Selous–Niassa and Kawango Upper Zambezi Challenge
by Goetz Schuerholz and Rolf D. Baldus
Download UofCPress_ParksPeacePartnership_2012.pdf

Or download the entire book as free open access files from: uofcpress.com


CIC-FAO Study on Selous Niassa Corridor
Download transboundary.pdf (2216 KB)

GTZ-Wildlife Programme Tanzania

Download gtz-wpt.pdf (1.494 KB)

Annotated History of the Selous Niassa Wildlife Corridor

Download SNWC_History.pdf (162 KB)

Community Based Wildlife Management in support of Transfrontier Conservation: the Selous-Niassa and Kawango Upper Zambezi

Download Selous_Niassa_Kaza Paper.pdf (211 KB)

Provisional vascular plant list of the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor (30/3/2008)

Download Provisional_plant_list_SNWC.pdf (170 KB)

Mushrooms in the Selous Niassa Corridor

Download Mushroom_Study.pdf (3.411 KB)

Corridors of potential

Download Africa Geographic Dec/Jan 2007/08.pdf
(1.116 KB)

Peace Parks
Conservation and Conflict Resolution

Download Peace Parks Book.pdf (86 KB)
External Links:

The MIT Press:
Peace Parks - Conservation and Conflict Resolution

Google Books:
Peace Parks - Conservation and Conflict Resolution
The Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor

Download nr_34.pdf (580 KB)

Towards Transboundary Conservation The Selous-Niassa WildlifeCorridor in Southern Tanzania

Download sn-brochure.pdf (2.400 KB)

Wildlife Corridors in Tanzania

Download TAWIRI WCS WildlifeCorridors TZ.pdf
(4.499 KB)

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Copyright © Dr. Rolf D. Baldus